Bodlák - in English Thistle - is a common herb, most often growing in neglected meadows, grasslands, roadsides, floodplain forests, ditches and on the banks of watercourses and lakes. It is mostly considered a weed, but some species are cultivated as ornamental or used as a medicinal plant.
It is the national symbol of Scotland and was the emblem of Captain Nemo along with the motto “Nemo me impune laccesit” or “No one assaults me with impunity”, which was also the motto of the Stuart dynasty.
Who am I? Link to heading
Nice to meet you, my name is Martin Bodlák.
I was born and lived most of my life in Ostrava. After attending several elementary schools (we moved several times…) and single Olga Havlová greammar school, I studied at Palacký University in Olomouc, majoring in Computer Science. I must say that IT was always my only area of professional interest and it still gives me lot of fun at work and pays my bills :)
After obtaining my degree, I spent a year and a half on civil service at the Regional Public Healt Authority in Ostrava. At that time, the Czech army was still a piece of the old communist crap, and serving such institutions was repugnant to my soul - and I was not alone in this opinion.
In 2000 I joined the then newly established project Palmknihy, the first and most famous Czech website about electronic books. My colleague and I, and later more colleagues, took the project from an originally amateur site to a full-fledged e-shop and content provider for other well-known Czech companies (including mobile operators). My involvement with Palmknihy finally ended in 2016.
See my professional profile at LinkedIn for my professional experience, career and achievements.